we are an evidence based practice actively participating in research
As an evidence-based practice, we put effort into staying up to date on current research. We use novelle findings when assessing patients and designing orthotics.
Friedman Raz, Y. (2019). The Casting Method’s Effect: Assessment of Foot Orthotics Fabricated From Three Different Casts on Distal Lower Limb Mechanics (unpublished Honours thesis). Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Friedman Raz, Y. (2018). Assessment of Ground Reaction Forces During Gate Under Different Foot Orthotic Configuration (unpublished directed study). Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Chuter, V., Payne, C., & Miller, K. (2003). Variability of neutral-position casting of the foot. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 93(1), 1-5.
Cummings, G. S., & Higbie, E. J. (1997). A weight bearing method for determining forefoot posting for orthotic fabrication. Physiotherapy Research International, 2(1), 42–50.
Cummings, G., & Higbie, E. (1997). A weight bearing method for determining forefoot posting for orthotic fabrication. Physiotherapy Research International, 2(1), 42-50.
Dempster, W. T. (1955). Space requirements of the seated operator, geometrical, kinematic, and mechanical aspects of the body with special reference to the limbs. Michigan State Univ East Lansing.
Henderson, W. H., & Campbell, J. W. (1967). UC-BL shoe insert: Casting and fabrication. Biomechanics Laboratory, University of California.
Hsu, W.-H., Lewis, C. L., Monaghan, G. M., Saltzman, E., Hamill, J., & Holt, K. G. (2014). Orthoses posted in both the forefoot and rearfoot reduce moments and angular impulses on lower extremity joints during walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(11), 2618–2625.
Leardini, A., Benedetti, M. G., Berti, L., Bettinelli, D., Nativo, R., & Giannini, S. (2007). Rear-foot, mid-foot and fore-foot motion during the stance phase of gait. Gait & Posture, 25(3), 453–462.
McPoil, T. G., & Cornwall, M. W. (1996). Relationship Between Three Static Angles of the Rearfoot and the Pattern of Rearfoot Motion During Walking. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 23(6), 370–375.
Mills, K., Blanch, P., Chapman, A. R., McPoil, T. G., & Vicenzino, B. (2010). Foot orthoses and gait: A systematic review and meta-analysis of literature pertaining to potential mechanisms. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(14), 1035–1046.
Murley, G. S., Landorf, K. B., Menz, H. B., & Bird, A. R. (2009). Effect of foot posture, foot orthoses and footwear on lower limb muscle activity during walking and running: A systematic review. Gait & Posture, 29(2), 172–187.
Payne, C., & Chuter, V. (2001). The clash between theory and science on the kinematic effectiveness of foot orthoses. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, 18(4), 705-13.
Payne, C., & Chuter, V. (2003). Variability Of Neutral-Position Casting Of the Foot. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 93(1).
Payne, C., Chuter, V., Oates, M., & Miller, K. (2001). Introductory evaluation of a weightbearing neutral position casting device. Australasian Journal of Podiatric Medicine, 35(3), 65-72.
Prachgosin, T., Leelasamran, W., Smithmaitrie, P., & Chatpun, S. (2017). Effect of total-contact orthosis on medial longitudinal arch and lower extremities in flexible flatfoot subjects during walking. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 41(6), 579–586.